Monday, May 16, 2005

Does the spontaneous heal/wound feats make neutral clerics too flexible?

This question was prompted by Typhoid X... any comments??

Spontaneous heal/wound can be found in Complete Divine on pages 84-85. It allows a non-good or non-evil divine caster to spontaneous switch out prepared spells & cast any cure/wound spell on their list, this can be done a number of times equal to the character's wisdom modifier.

I want people's opinions on whether these feats give too much flexibility to neutral (either lawful, chaotic, or true) clerics, & reduce the incentive to play clerics of good/evil alignments.The reason I ask that is because prior to these 2 feats, if you're neutral cleric, you could be a positive or negative caster. That meant you could either turn or rebuke, you could either spontaneously cast cure (positive) or wound (negative) spells, but you can't do both.

Once the decision's made, its final & you're limited to that type of spontaneous spell casting. Now, with the addition of these 2 feats, you could do both, you could be a positive caster & turn undead as a neutral cleric, yet still spontaneously wound, or vice versa.

Compare this to clerics with a definitely leaning towards good/evil: they would be restricted in the sense that they won't be able to get the spontaneous feat opposing their alignment (spontaneous heal requires a non-evil alignment, & spontaneous wound requires the character to be non-good), and they are further restricted to what spells they can cast based on alignment (IE a lawful good cleric of Moradin probably shouldn't be casting evil spells too often). Whereas a neutral cleric wouldn't be so restricted. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think there's any restrictions on neutral clerics casting good or evil spells.

So, what this comes down to is further reduced incentive to play a cleric of extreme alignment (or even neutral evil/good for that matter), simply because a neutral cleric would have a wider selection of spells, as well as the ability to spontaneously cast both cure AND would spells. Last but not least, granted these feats are limited by the wis modifier of the character, but a good cleric would raise his wisdom score like no tommorrow anyway, so that's not really a big limitation in my opinion.


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