ranged sunder feat for warmage?
When looking at the Warmage's spell list, one could notice that it consists of almost entirely ranged touch attack spells & mass damage area effect spells meant to be used at a distance. Therefore, it would be very beneficial for a warmage to take feats such as point blank & precise shot, or weapon focus - ranged touch (Complete Arcane). Taking it one step further, a warmage would be great at sundering with the ranged sunder feat from Complete Warrior. Since sonic attack spells completely ignore hardness, it would be extremely easy to overcome the hardness of any weapon or shield & do massive (relatively massive for a piece of equipment that is) damage to it with the lesser sonic orb spell, or the sonic orb spell. Thus even an adamantine weapon wouldn't survive long against a sundering warmage's lesser sonic orb (eventually dealing 5D6 sonic damage to any single weapon). If that wasn't enough, there's always sonic orb or orb of force. Combined with empower/maximize spell, warmage edge, & plenty of spell slots, a warmage could practically sunder anything he wants....? >;-]
That is a sweet idea. Especially using Sudden Feats gained as a warmage. He could empower and sudden maximze, only costing 2 levels higher... or sudden empower with maximze only costing 4 levels... then have the +6 levels after... many that is alot of damage with alot of flexibility...
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