Saturday, April 08, 2006

Open RPG Schedule

I'm going to use let people know when I want to run an OpenRPG game Game break update

Next Game: D&D 3.5 (World of Terris)
Date: Friday, 14 April 06
Time: 1900
Game Server: Blackstar Game Server
Alternate Server: Open Veav I
Room: FE's World of Terris
Password: fe

OpenRPG 1.6.3 is now available. is where you can download the program
You will have to transfer your saved files to the new version, but everything else seems to work fine.

This is a character sheet program shown to my by Azezel. It runs seperate of OpenRPG, but it works really well. I recommend it for writing characters.

Don't forget to check the terris campaign blog, as I'll update worldly knowledge irregularly.


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