Sunday, February 25, 2007

The End of Times

Another game that I've found to be interesting is Armageddon, the End of Times. An interesting twist on Revelations and the end of the world, and not only does it conicide with other Unisystem games, like AFMBE, but it also presents a good workable storyline.

On the other hand the rules lend themselves to allow for a great deal of diversity in a game. Sort of a lower powered Rifts game. Where the players use Assault rifles, and shotguns opposed to multinuclear warheads, and high powered laser blasters.

We'll see how it works, as of right now I'm cooking up an interesting game drawing ideas from several recent shows and movies. I'll admit with no shame that I do get some of my better motivations from such shows. Well once Eden Studios gets more books printed I would recommend purchasing this book, as it thoroughly lays out the Unisystem in one book.


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