Thursday, August 18, 2005

ARCANE TRICKSTER/DAGGERSPELL MAGE: & now the smart way to make this character:

This is something I came up with on the fly at the request of FE. I still made it a close range support specialist, just like the arcane trickster. It has much better hit points, but I would go into melee WITH CAUTION. If you want to go into melee, a maxed out escape artist skill is a must, or a ring of freedom of movement, since a successful grapple against this character will take him down very quickly. Returning daggers are a must for this character to exploit its full effectiveness. IF conditions are right, by the end of this character build, one should be able to do somewhere between 18-24d6 sneak attack with a full ranged attack of thrown daggers (& 2 weapon fighting) after wraithstrike is cast, not to mention also the spells being channeled through the daggers. Other advantages include two outstanding saving throws, lots of skill points, versatility of being a wizard, etc. Anyway, here's the character build:

BOOKS USED: PHB 3.5, DMG 3.5, Complete Arcane, Complete Adventurer, Libris Mortis.

RACE: Human (as usual)


CLASSES: Rog 2/Wiz 5/Daggerspell Mage 10/Arcane Trickster 3

BAB: 1+2+7+1=> 11/6/1


Fort: 0+1+3+1=5
Ref: 2+1+7+3=13
Will: 0+4+7+3=14

HP: 6+11d6+8d4+ (CON MOD*20)
SKILL POINTS: (8+INT)*5+ (2+INT)*5+(6+INT)*10+ (4+INT)*3 + 23 (human)
CLASS SKILL: gees… what ISN’T a class skill?

PROFICIENCIES: Whatever rogues & wizards get… I assume a dagger is included though… I don’t know.


1. Sneak attack +1d6, trapsense, point blank shot (1st LV), precise shot (human).
2. Evasion.
3. Scribe scroll, summon familiar, Weapon focus dagger (3rd LV).
4. –
5. -
6. Two weapon fighting (6th LV).
7. Silent spell (wiz bonus feat).
Dagger Spell Mage:
8. Dagger cast.
9. Invocation of the knife, practiced spell caster (9th LV).
10. Sneak attack +2d6.
11. –
12. Double dagger cast, improved initiative (12th LV).
13. Sneak attack +3d6.
14. Arcane Infusion.
15. Arcane throw, still spell (15th LV).
16. Sneak attack +4d6.
17. Dagger spell flurry.
Arcane Trickster:
18. Ranged ledgerdemain (disable device) 1/day, fell drain (18th LV).
19. Sneak attack +5d6.
20. impromptu sneak attack 1/day.

EFFECTIVE CASTER LEVEL: 20 (Practiced spellcaster).
SPELLS PER DAY: 4/4/4/4/4/4/4/3/2/1 +bonus spells.

IDEAL WEAPON: A pair of +1 keen, spellstoring, returning, wounding daggers.

PARTICULARLY USEFUL SPELLS: Sadism, E's black tentacles, haste, imp. invisibility, etc.

Now that its out of my ass for a while, this build is a little more refined.


Blogger Forced Evolution said...

Looks pretty good, I think I'll drop 1 level of rogue, and pick up 9th level spells... Absorption has a soft spot in my heart... you can find it in the Complete Arcane

2:38 PM  
Blogger Forced Evolution said...

Yes its on OpenRPG but I don't know the room yet, but I'll let you know.

11:11 PM  
Blogger Forced Evolution said...

The daggerspell mage is awesome, especially if you make him a primary caster... then as his spells get lower he can assist fighters by flanking and using two-weapon fighting...

On that note, I would probably drop point blank shot and precise shot, shift a few feats and pick up flick of the wrist and quick draw... or maybe Arcane Strike and Deadly Percision (Won't be allowed in the other game I am joining online, since its in the XPH)...

1:35 AM  

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