Monday, February 26, 2007

Angel? Demon? Demi-god? Immortal? Child of the Creator?

Well I've poured through the Armageddon book, and although I still have much more to read I've found this to be a great foundation and storyline. Rather generic about the overall info, it does play on the myths held here on Earth as presented on Earth.

All too often I've found that many RPGs tap dance around the idea of monothesism and the religions and myths tied to them. But this game did a great job in combining the belief systems of the world and rooting them into a cosmology that was deluded over centuries of censorship by corrupted or incompetant people.

It places heaven, hell, and purgatory into a mysterious perspective against reincarnation and immortality with a strong creative mix that makes sense. Although any overly religious types may possibly take offense to it, but it does use some historical links to place these different types of beliefs together as one over arching cosmology. "There are bits of truth in all the beliefs, but they are scewed by centuries of editing and rewriting of the good books."

Still I am highly anticipating my first long planned unisystem game.


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