Thursday, January 19, 2006

g20 the Generic d20 system

For a little while now I've been compling a set of generic, basic break down of d20 concepts. I've collected most of the info from unearthed arcana, and I am in the works or making a Generic bare bones d20 kit to use between all genres.

The rules set has some key differences that I would like to try in a campaign. Things like defense bonue, armor giving DR instead of AC, Weapon Group Proficiencies, and a point based spellcasting system that utilizes a Magic Rating. I am gathing the data from, and will offer the rules set when I am closer to completion

This kit will consist of only 3 classes, Expert, Spellcaster, Warrior, (and later Psychic for a 4th unless I combine it with the spellcaster). The classes will be designed to allow for choice of skills, saves, and abilities, I also utilize the accelerated feat system. All classes recieve a magic rating.

Magic is divided between Arcane, Divine, Nature, (maybe psionic later), and each type is tied to a different ability score. Arcane (INT) requires study, Divine (WIS) requires will of faith, and Nature (CHA) because one seeks harmony with nature.

I am also throwing out the alignment system and replacing it with a loose point based Purity and Taint system which will tie directly into the Book of Vile Darkness, and book of exalted deeds, AND will affect things like smite good/evil, and some spells.

Prestige classes will not affect a characters BAB, SAVES, SKILLS, or FEATS, but will allow the player to select PrC abilities as bonus feats when appropriate...(I will need to play test this extensively to see how it works)

Just a little ramble about some ideas I've had...been working on this for a while now and decided to break it out and work on it again.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

d20 Cyberscape

Just got this book in the mail. Bought it from amazon.

I must say that the book is awesome and really expands cybernetic rules for d20 Modern.

For anyone planning on running a d20 Future game this is a sure buy. Also it has been giving me ideas for a d20 Modern/Future game. I know what you are many ideas can I be having at one time...well the current answer is 4 different campaign ideas...1 being run.

Replay to Jesters question:
Well it deals with cybernetic enhancements of all kinds. Dermal Armor (granting AC), mechanical arms, implanted weapons and general body upgrades.
Porbably wouldn't use it with our campaign because I'm using Dragon Star which has Spellware: Cybernetics that use magic enchantments to let the robotics meld with flesh easier. Yrin's symbiotic implant is a spellware device.

Reply to Annika
It is a living thing, but it is considered a type of spellware. A truama symbiot is a bio-engineered life form designed to ward off damage to its host.